
Posts uit september, 2022 tonen

American Adventures week 6

 American adventures week 6 - Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. This week started off as usual, doing my work, going to the gym, and be surrounded by the people I feel comfortable with.  On monday nothing much happened. I went to my lectures (Investments was once again pretty difficult) and later on the day I went for a swim. That was the second sports activity of that day as I went to the gym in the morning. Also, something noticeable, I stole 4 cookies from the dining hall!! I need to have my late night snacks ready! On Tuesday I did something in an other way as usual. After breakfast and Business Analytics, I decided not to eat lunch as I was not hungry yet. This gave me the time to finish my reading of Stamped. After International Management I went to McDonalds together with Aika, Runa, Misaki, and Sabien. I gave my voucher for a free burger so luckily